Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Perseverance & Prayer

I realize that my blogs have slowed down quite a bit and I still haven´t blogged about Italy yet & honestly I probably won´t but something really cool just happened that I thought was worth sharing.

I don´t think that it´s a secret to anyone that I´m ready to come home. This semester I´ve been a part of a small group and have shared my struggle with wanting to be home with them. Last night I was asking God for some much needed help because I knew that I couldn´t do this on my own but I just wished that I had someone to pray with me to help me finish strong.

So this morning I got up and headed to school to take my test. Close to the same test I failed at the beginning of my time here. I made it through the test and while I know that I missed some points, I know I didn´t come close to failing.
After my test I came to the computer lab area where some of my friends were studying for tests that they had when a couple girls from my small group called me over to them. They handed me a huge bar of chocolate and a stack of little papers stapled together. Kelly explained to me that there was a square of chocolate for each day I had left here as well as a bible verse for each day. And not only that each day one of the girls was going to be praying for me.

And I bet you can guess what happened next. The tears began to flow. Not only did I get to see how my perseverance with school paid off but to have my prayer answered so quickly and so directly is a feeling that I just can´t explain yet. 

 I am so loved & so thankful for it.