Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pollo or Carne?

Hello from Spain!

 I'm not sure how blogs are supposed to start out or be formatted so I'm just going to kinda do my own thing and hope it works!

On the way to the airport with my parents I was so excited to get to Spain but at the same time i wasn't ready to leave my family and friends either. With a heavy heart I left my parents and headed through security with some other girls who are in the program. As the time got closer and closer to leave I started to feel more sad that i was going to be leaving everything i knew for the next 4 month, but at that point i knew i had no other choice but to go.

We boarded the largest plane I've ever been on and took off. Within a few minutes we had are dinner brought around to us and that was the first time i realized i wasn't going to understand a lot of what was going on around me. The stewardess asked me, "Pollo o Carne?" And i just sat there with a dumb look on my face like what?! Duh Audrey you learned that freshman year of high school... Chicken or steak?! The 8 hour flight went surprisingly fast because I "slept" even though it didn't really feel like it.

We landed in Madrid and went through customs... AKA stamp your passport and go, so that part was nice and then took another train to the bigger train station. I'm real happy that the SIS people traveled with us because i wouldn't have a clue what to do or where to go. At this point in the day i was 10000% exhausted. Thankfully we got on the AVE train (which is like a high speed train that looks more like a monorail than Thomas the Train). I wanted to stay awake and watch as we traveled but after 5 minuets i was out and slept the rest of the 2.5 hour ride. We departed the train and grabbed a taxi with our roommate to head to our host home.

Here's prolly the scariest part of the trip so far... Because of how big my roommate and I's suitcases were we both couldn't ride in the same taxi. So i had to ride in the taxi by myself.... it was a little nerve racking to say the least but Alyssa (my roommate) and I arrived at the same time to the loud barks of Pammy and a smiling Isabel!

Isabel doesn't speak English so that's been interesting trying to communicate with her because I found out today my spanish kinda sucks real bad. She made us lunch and then let us unpack and relax which is what I'm doing now.

One of the things that I can't seem to get over is this whole time change thing. I left my house at 11 AM monday, boarded the plane at 7:30 PM monday. Landed at 3:30 AM Indiana time (9:30 AM Spain time) Made it to Isabel's apartment at 4 PM Spain time and its still 2 in the afternoon at home... that's just weird to me.

I hear its like 1 degree outside at home today so i wont complain about it being "cold" here... but it is kinda cold haha. Isabel is about to make us some dinner soon and then its for sure going to be bed time! SOY MUY CONSADO! I"M REAL TIRED! Hopefully I can keep up on the blog thing and be a little more detailed next time but my brain is struggling to function at this point.

Be kind & live free,


PS if your bored after reading this...check out Dribble for Toledo on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. My cool friends are doing something real neat!

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